Page 31 - OCF Oxfordshire Uncovered
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Department for Communities and Local Government, English indices of deprivation, 2015
Dr Jonathan McWilliam, ‘Director of Public Health for Oxfordshire: Annual Report VIII’, 2015
Of ce of National Statistics, Census 2011
Oxfordshire County Council, Oxfordshire Insight Data Stories, 2016
Oxfordshire County Council, ‘Oxfordshire Joint Strategic Needs Assessment’, 2015
Oxfordshire County Council, ‘Oxfordshire Joint Strategic Needs Assessment’, 2016
Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership, ‘Strategic Economic Plan’, 2014
Housing and homelessness
Danny Dorling, All that is Solid: How the Great Housing Disaster De nes our Times, and What We Can Do About It, 2015
Department for Communities and Local Government, Dwelling stock (including vacants), 2013–2015
Department for Communities and Local Government, Homelessness statistics, 2013–2015
Department for Communities and Local Government, Local authority housing data, 2013–2014
Department for Communities and Local Government, Net supply of housing, 2013–2014
Homeless Link, Homelessness in numbers, 2015
Land Registry, House Price Index, 2014–2016
Oxfordshire County Council, ‘Oxfordshire Strategic Housing Market Assessment’, 2014
Children and families
Carers Trust and The Children’s Society, ‘Making a Step Change for Young Carers and their Families: Putting it into Practice’, 2016
Oxfordshire County Council, ‘Oxfordshire Children’s Needs Analysis’, 2015
Oxfordshire Domestic Abuse Strategy Group, ‘Oxfordshire’s Integrated Strategy Report and Evaluation’, 2014
Oxfordshire Safeguarding Children Board, ‘OSCB Annual Report’, 2014–15
Social Mobility and Child Poverty Commission, Social Mobility Index, 2016
Young Carers Oxfordshire, ‘Who are young carers, what do they do?’, 2016
Isolation and loneliness
Age UK, ‘Evidence Review: Loneliness in Later Life’, 2015
Age UK, ‘Later Life in the United Kingdom’, 2016
Age UK Oxfordshire, ‘Loneliness: The state we’re in’, 2012
Age UK Oxfordshire, ‘A Tale of Two Counties: Growing older in Oxfordshire’, 2010
Future Years, ‘Loneliness and ethnic minority elders in Great Britain: an exploratory study’, 2012
LGiU, ‘Brie ng: Loneliness and social isolation in older people’, 2016
Local Government Association, ‘Combating loneliness: A guide for local authorities’, 2016
A full list of web links to these sources is available on request. Please email or visit our website