Page 2 - Mansfield 2019/20
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Message from the Principal ................... 3 Bursar’s Report.......................................... 4 News in brief .............................................. 5 Mansfield’s new Honorary Fellows...... 8 The Principal’s Friday Talks and
annual lectures .......................................... 10 Oxford and colonialism............................ 11 Alumni Relations & Engagement .......... 12 Welcoming the first Kofi Annan
Scholars to Mansfield .............................. 14 Sanctuary at Mansfield........................... 15 A pioneering Settlement......................... 16 Senior Tutor’s Report............................... 18 Access Report 2020 ................................ 19 Medieval lockdowns................................. 21 How can mathematical modelling
help in the coronavirus pandemic? ...... 22 Music at Mansfield ................................... 23 Encore! ......................................................... 24 Growing our own poems
@Mansfield ................................................. 25 JCR President’s Report............................ 27 MCR President’s Report.......................... 28 MCBC Report............................................. 29
Student news ............................................. 30 The Food Journey ..................................... 32
Mansfield’s Visiting Student
Programme ................................................. 34
Alumni Association Report..................... 36 Alumni news ............................................... 37 Celebrating women at Mansfield......... 40
 The impact of your support:
Thank you............................................. 41 Bancroft Fellows ................................ 44
Community Week and
Giving Day............................................ 46
Recognising your kind legacy support: ‘now and forever’.............. 48
Our supporters ................................... 49
Produced by the Alumni Relations and Engagement Office
Editor: Catherine Conisbee, Alumni Relations and Communications Officer Copy Editor: Philip Harriss
Design and print: BCQ Group
The theme of this year’s issue of Mansfield magazine is ‘community’.
Follow us:
Mansfield College Alumni, University of Oxford @mansfieldoxford
Mansfield College
Mansfield Road, Oxford OX1 3TF
T: +44 (0) 1865 270 998
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Bonavero Institute of Human Rights ... 51
Parallel lives: Dietrich Bonhoeffer
and Adam von Trott.................................. 52
Obituaries.................................................... 54 Staff & Fellows’ news .............................. 57
College and University prizes
2019/20 ....................................................63
Examination results 2020 ...................... 65

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