Page 69 - A&D Instruments Catalogue ENGLISH
P. 69 65 WinCT So ware
So ware, Connectivity, Data Transfer, Labels
This so ware is a suite of 3 modules that have been designed to download information from your A&D balance or scale directly into your personal computer. Communication is done via a RS-232C link. A USB adaptor can be added if required.
RS-Com module: sending commands,
data acquisition, printing, and virtual
• Transmission of commands to control the balance/scale and acquisition of weighing data in text format. Periodical actions are possible in an automated manner. Available commands include among others: calibrate, ON/OFF, print, query (for “transmit”) weight data, re-zero, range, sample...
• The GLP data can be transferred directly to a PC/printer, without another so ware application. With RS-Com the weighing data is displayed in real-time on your PC.
RS-Key module: data transfer into target applications
• Transfer of weighing results directly into your target applications. Once started, RS-Key runs in the background on your PC. Your main application runs in foreground. Each time the balance/scale sends data, it automatically appears
So ware
WinCT-Plus is the network version
of WinCT. It enables the centralized management of a network of distributed heterogeneous balances/ scales. Weighing data can be collected from various weighing devices into your personal computer while ensuring traceability. Communication takes place via RS-232C or Ethernet LAN (in the latter case, balances/ scales are given IP addresses).
in the active field (e.g., where the cursor is located) in your application. For example, in case of MS-Excel, you can configure RS-Key so that each new weighing data sent by the balance appears as a new line/new record.
RS-Weight module: real-time curves
• The weighing data can be periodically retrieved from the balance/scale and displayed in graph form on the monitor in real-time. Statistics such as maximum, minimum, average, range, standard deviation and coe icient of variation values can be calculated and displayed. Individual weighing data can be time stamped and saved in a CSV file (MS Excel compatible). For example, RS-Weight is very convenient for measuring humidity intake over time or filtration speeds...